Jared Gniewek
I have had a varied and wondrous hodge-podge of gigs and jobs over the years and am so stoked to have be at The Lang School as an In-House Substitute and Floater. I'll be bringing a creative lifestyle to model for students that reflects time I've invested in cartooning, comics scripting, video game development, and audio play production. I began with the school in Spring of 2022 as the Dungeon Master for the after-school Dungeons and Dragons program and was asked to do occasional substituting shortly thereafter because of the good rapport I had developed with the students. I believe passion is the linchpin of an interdisciplinary approach. In my role, I enjoy mentoring and coaching students to help them discover how mastery of a subject truly evokes a ripple effect of knowledge and how confidence can extend beyond one's natural gifts. My home life is a maximalist whirlwind of drawing, reading, painting miniatures, prepping Dungeons and Dragons adventures, cooking, and (most importantly) co-parenting my son along with my kitsch-wife supreme.