Lower School
The Lang School uses a combination of classroom-based learning, fluid math and literacy subgroups, 1:1 tutoring for remediation, and accelerated learning opportunities in areas of advanced knowledge and/or interest. Teachers differentiate both curriculum and instruction, so each student receives an education that fits in the context of cohorts of no more than twelve students.
A multi-disciplinary plan is created targeting each child's unique needs, and extensive enrichment options complement our robust academic curriculum. We employ evidence-based best practices — Zones of Regulation, Positive Behavior Supports, Collaborative & Proactive Solutions, daily report cards, and more — in order to grow awareness and skills in social-emotional, behavioral, and sensory self-regulation.
Literacy methodologies include Orton-Gillingham, Fountas & Pinnell, Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD), and Teachers College Reading and Writing Workshop (TCRWP). Since many of our otherwise precocious students tend to be resistant writers, the school helps students explore “writing” in a variety of nontraditional ways that build traditional writing skills. Math curricula and methodologies are a hybrid of Singapore Math and math workshop (or math circle).
Science, history, ELA and social studies classes are interdisciplinary. In-class work is supplemented by field trips. At least twice yearly, nationally normed reading, writing and math assessments are administered.
Our developmentally differentiated computer science and engineering curricula engage students of all ages in experiencing the importance of math and logic in comprehending and modeling the world we live in. Our computer science class teaches students K—8 programming skills from the basics of Boolean logic through Java scripting.
A SMARTBoard in every classroom enhances group learning, and each child is assigned their own Chromebook (often loaded with personalized assistive technology tools). Our occupational therapist leads handwriting and keyboarding classes.